Tower Defense: The Best and the Worst

I love Tower Defenses (TDs). Some of my favorite games of all time are TDs, like Kingdom Rush and  the Bloons TD series. But what makes a TD good? What even is a TD. Well…okay, let’s start at the beginning, a very good place to start.*

Tower Defense:

  1. Tower Defense is a subgenre of real-time strategy video games, where the goal is to stop the enemies from reaching a specific point on the map by building a variety of different towers which shoot at them as they pass. Enemies and towers usually have varied abilities, costs, and upgrade prices.

The first TD was probably Rampartreleased in 1990 by Atari Games. In Rampart, the player is in control of a set of castles, which they must defend, by alternately shooting at attacking ships (or other players), and repairing any damage done to them within a time limit. Surrounding this castle is a wall, made up of small blocks, completely surrounding a region of the board. This area is considered the player’s territory, and it may contain one or more castles, and any number of cannons. The maintenance of this territory is the primary focus of the game. Once the player defeats the opponent, the player can execute the commander, by walking the plank or beheading. The minigame Fort Condor, which appears in Final Fantasy VII may have inspired the modern TD genre, because it has lots of items in it related to other TD games, such as hiring mercenaries to fight, and then placing them strategically.

The modern TD game in most parts can be seen as a reflection of another TD, Kingdom Rush . In Kingdom Rush , you build Towers at strategical points to Defend your base/the end of the road.

*Sound of Music. Look it up.

Kinetic Void

Kinetic Void is a sandbox space trading and combat simulator video game by the indie developer Badland Studio, which was released on November 21, 2014. The developers claim that when finished, Kinetic Void will let players take on the role of a space pilot trying to earn a living in the conflict between rival factions in a randomly generated galaxy

The graphics are beautiful for a indy sandbox game, all in all I give it a 8/10, with a 9/10 when they release mod tools.

Ol’ Rocketeer


Indie! INDIE! INDIE!!!!

I found this game while browsing on, and found this game.


This is a game of deception, tricking everyone that you are good.  The game is basically this (in Basic mode):

The Town is the “Good”, and wins with The Survivors. Their roles consist of:

The Mayor, who can reveal themselves as the Mayor and their “lynch” votes count as 3.

The Vigilante, who can kill people if they think they are Mafia or Serial Killer.

The Doctor, who can heal people at night.

The Jailor, who can jail people and execute people.

and The Sheriff, who can inspect people at night.

The Mafia are the “Evil” of the game. They are:

The Godfather, Who command and kill people at night.

The Mafioso, Who kill people at night.

and The Framer, who frame people at night.

and the Neutral, who are, neutral. They are:

The Jester, who basically needs to be lynched by the town, and then wins?

and The Serial Killer, who kills people at night, and if they visit him, they die.

At night, you can do your night ability, and in the day, you see who died (if anyone did), talk about what happened, and vote who to execute.


(posted by takatoad a.k.a. Waffley)


RISE OF THE INDIE (Top Five GameJolt Indie Games)

I have recently been surfing on, and found some impluse downloads. Here are a few. (btw, these are all indie games).

5. AWE

Awe is a rythm-based game, where you populate a planet. Play it here.

4. 400 Years

A flash game to save humanity. AWESOME. Play it here.

3. helium

A member of a crashed spaceship, you are alone. Try to escape, here!

2. SanuTale: Legends of the Yuwa Dynasty

A game still in development, but is kewl! GET IT HERE!

1. Heart&Slash


That was my list! Bye. lol.

(posted by takatoad a.k.a. Waffley)



Basement By Halfbus

Basement is a drug-dealing strategy game. It features a blend of facility management and real time strategy mechanics that creates a unique experience quite unlike other games in its genre.

In Basement, you play as a great scientist that has to do not-exactly-legal stuff underground, as nobody wants to support his idea. Basement is all about management. You build your own enterprise producing and researching drugs. Find the right place, make production rooms, hire workers and security staff, avoid federal agents and raise the most effective company.

Producing and selling ‘drugs’ is the core gameplay. At the beginning of each level, you have access to a few production rooms – each producing a single type of ‘drug’. You organize raw materials, assign scientists to the proper rooms, and finally create specific drugs, which you need to sell to particular customers.

To keep your business running, you should hire workers and pay them their salary. If you don’t pay them weekly, production will go down, and then you may even be sabotaged or completely lose all of your employees.

With the rise of your enterprise, federal agents become interested in you. They’ll start with rare inspections.

Depending on your rough behavior, inspections may become more frequent and severe; DEA, FBI, and something much more dangerous will come knocking at your door…

You need to find the right balance and develop an optimal strategy to grow and flourish your dusky business. You can research new ‘still legal’ drugs, or escalate manufacturing powers. You can bother with security, hiring guards and building traps in your basement. You can even hide your basement behind a bar or any other legal establishment. Each cover has its advantages.

Even if you have an ideal production line where everything is well secured, you won’t be able to relax. The world is ever changing and unpredictable. You may come up short with a supply, or an accidental market change can make your product unwanted; any production room can burst into flames! What else can happen? No one knows!

(Posted by Carnivorous Bacon)

Dungeons And Dragons Is NOT For Computers

Dungeons and Dragons is an RPG (Role Playing Game) where you go on adventures, fight monsters…or not. You can do anything, and I mean anything, that you want. It’s up to you, your friends, and the Dungeon Master (DM). There are infinite possibilities.

(This is the D&D player’s handbook 1, which can be used to create characters, and all that jazz, but only if you want.)

The problems of Online D&D (in no apparent order).

1:  You don’t get to imagine anything, it’s all played out in front of you.

2: There are only a few options, as opposed to having a real, living DM.

3: You can’t always play with your friends.

Now, I know there are some people that like online D&D better, aaand… they’re called weirdos. For god’s sake, just play with living human beings!

(Posted by Carnivorous Bacon)

Cookies In Video Games




We all know that cookies are for everyone. They are a staple in pastry history. Vegans, vegetarians, carnivores, omnivores! Oreo, Chocolate Chip, Chocolate, um…, Sugar Cookie, Vanilla Cookie, err…(help me!), Magic Cookie? Well, they happen to be popular in video games!

Of course, there is Cookie Clicker. You basically just click cookies. CLICK CLICK. You can use cookies to buy more powerups like Grandmas and Pointers. CLICK CLICK. And the rate of people getting carpel tunnel increased.

You can’t talk about CookieGames, without talking about the Twist, Lick, Dunk Oreo game. Make sweet (no pun intended) combos by swiping, dunking, and licking Oreo cookies. This game was made by Oreo themselves, and I got it. GET IT HERE.

I’m counting Cake Mania, even though it really doesn’t count, but hey! Cake!!!

This is a classic. Yoshi’s Cookie is a game where you match cookies to feed to Yoshi (from Mario fame).

Well, now I’m hungry.

(posted by takatoad a.k.a. Waffley)


Game Maker Showcase: Scratch


Scratch is a game making environment. It’s really easy to use, fun, and has lots of great game making possibilities. Lots of people post online on the scratch website, and so it’s full of great games for any ages. Membership is easy, there is no downloading, and it’s free.

In Scratch, you use the basic building blocks of coding to design any type of game, from super complicated to super easy. Even a 7 year old could code an amazing game on Scratch; it just takes good ideas. If you want to learn to program, but you have no idea how, Scratch is also a great starting point.

(Posted By Carnivorous Bacon)

Judge A Game By Its Cover

Ever said to yourself, “I’m bored, so I might as well go into Game Stop, and just check stuff out?” Then, while you’re in Game Stop, just looking around, you see a really cool game. Well, actually, let me specify. You see a really cool game cover (when I say cover, I mean the case that the game comes in). So you buy it.

This is the cover artist’s fantasy. The cover has to be hip, swag, cool, and totally leave out the fact that all you do in the game is shoot things.* It has to appeal to every audience, every age, and even the people who will never, ever, ever play the game in their whole entire life. Here are some examples of good game covers:


In Minecraft, we see Steve running from monsters, weapon in hand, his faithful dog by his side. The cover has fighting, action, and, of course, zombies.

In Pokemon Blue Version, there is a large blue turtle with guns coming out of its back. Extra extra extra large guns.

The Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls V cover depicts a dragon amulet of sorts. The shining silver is eye catching, and the lettering stands out from the background. Also, the name is totally cool.

So, you want your cover to give the title like Skyrim, be flashy like Pokemon, have action like Minecraft, and not show the boring parts of the game. Or any parts of the game that are not perfect.

(Published by Carnivorous Bacon)

*I know I pick on these kinds of games all the time, but they really are awefull.

The Case Against Zombies In Games

Ever seen the Walking Dead? No? You’re not missing out. It’s basically some people running away from zombies. Want to check it out? It’s still happening.

(Still Running)

Zombies are great. Really, they are. I mean, not up close and all, but they’re cool guys. And lots of zombie stuff is great, from the movies to the books.The problem is, there are lots of them. To many to be at all interesting anymore.

(And I mean lots)

So with the rise of zombie video games, it didn’t get much better. The problem is that the big video game developers figure, “Since everybody likes to shoot at things for hours and hours, let’s let them shoot at zombies. Then they can really get some of their anger out.”imgres-1

That’s what we really are doing as we click endlessly with one finger, staring at a screen filled with undead and blood. When we get mad, and we either are not athletic enough to hit a punching bag, or we don’t want to walk down the street to the gym, we shoot things. But because shooting random people for no reason is bad, we have to find another way to fire off our big guns.imgres-2

(Extra Extra Extra Large Gun)

Officer: Did you shoot this man?

Gamer: Yes. They were out of Call of Duty 3’s at Game Stop, so I just, you know…

Yeah, not good. So, we decided that, since zombies are already dead, making them deader wasn’t a bad thing. Here are the 5 worst reasons why zombies are good targets in video games:

5: They are ugly, and so they deserve to die.

4: All that blood just makes you want to make more blood, right?

3: Zombies have no feelings, that is why they try to eat our brainz.

2: Zombie starts with the letter ‘Z’.

1: Because everything deserves to be shot at in video games.

My true favorite zombie games are Plants vs Zombies and Plants vs Zombies 2, It’s About Time, developed by Popcap. The first is describes you and your neighbor Crazy Dave trying to defend against the massive zombie hoards. You must unlock some crazy-cool plants to defend your lawn night and day, through rain and shine, or on the roof.imgres-3

Plants vs Zombies 2, It’s About Time, is basically your trip through time with Crazy Dave and his time traveling mini-van, Penny. It features some kick-ass plants, zombies and worlds. It is still being produced; they release it in stages.

Over all, they’re great, easy, fun and cute games which can also be downloaded from the App Store. If you would like to check them out for your computer, click on this.

(Posted by Carnivorous Bacon)